The Management
XIAO Li born in 1974 Vice President

XIAO Li, born in 1974, is currently a vice president and chief engineer of Greentown China, primarily responsible for engineering development and management, cost and bidding & procurement of the Group as well as the business of Living and Technology Group. Mr XIAO graduated from Nanjing Construction Engineering College (南京建築工程學院) with a bachelor’s degree, majoring in Industrial and Civil Architecture. Subsequently, he studied at Zhejiang University, and obtained a master’s degree, majoring in Business Administration. Mr XIAO has over 20 years of work experience in the real estate industry. He started working in July 1996, and successively worked for Zhejiang Huazhe Industrial Development Company Limited (浙江華浙實業開發有限公司) and Zhejiang Shenghua Real Estate Development Company Limited (浙江升華房地產開發有限公司). Mr XIAO joined the Group in March 2004.