Green Finance

Greentown China has always been committed to promoting the sustainable development of green buildings and the ecological environment, paying attention to changes in social development, adhering to compliance operations, and actively participating in public welfare undertakings such as education, medical care, and environmental protection, so as to build the No.1 brand of “integrated service provider for an ideal life”.

In order to effectively implement the Company’s sustainable development strategy and actively follow the development trend of the green industry, Greentown China entered into the Green Financing Framework in August 2021, which was aligned with the 2021 Green Bond Principles (GBP) issued by the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA), and Vigeo Eiris (now Moody’s ESG), an independent third-party rating agency, provided green certification for the framework and issued a second party opinion.

Under this framework, Greentown China raised funds through the issuance of green bonds to support the Group’s investment in eligible green projects, including green buildings, sustainable water resources management, renewable energy, clean transportation and climate change countermeasures.